Rebuilding Year re-releases

My self-pub versions of The Rebuilding Year and Life, Some Assembly Required, are now available on Amazon and Smashwords. Smashwords will distribute to Barnes & Noble and iBooks in the next 2 weeks.

I decided to put The Rebuilding Year on sale for $0.99 until July 31st, hoping that some new readers may decide to take a chance on it at the sale price. If you already own the Samhain versions, these are minor re-edits and there is no reason to buy the new versions.

On the other hand, re-editing these did make me start the long-promised novella of what happens when Wisconsin finally does have legal gay marriage… I hope to have a little more of John and Ryan, (and Torey and Mark) for you in the not too distant future.

BTW, now that ARe is closed, I’m wondering where people are going to buy pdf, if that’s your format of choice? I have pdf on Smashwords, but SW generates them without the covers and without the polish. (If anyone buys a Smashwords pdf version and wants a better one with a cover – email me with a copy of your SW book and I’ll send you the one lovingly crafted by Deb McGowan with the pretty cover.)

Anyway, they’re out again. Yay!!!!

Sole Support is in final editing, and will be out next month, with a new cover. Thanks to everyone who wrote and asked where they could find these stories. I’m slowly working through the re-releases, and I hope my guys will find new friends.

The Rebuilding Year
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon DE:

Life, Some Assembly Required
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon DE:

13 thoughts on “Rebuilding Year re-releases”

  1. Yay for a novella following up with John and Ryan and the kids. I can’t wait. I love reading/rereading these books in part because my kids are (now) close to Torey and Mark’s ages and you did such a good job of making them realistic and not caricatures. I’m not any help for PDFs though- I buy everything through Amazon because I’m lazy and I read exclusively on my Kindle.

    • I’m glad you enjoy these – my kids just left their teens but the memories are… vivid. πŸ™‚
      I think a lot of people are using Calibre to convert to pdf, if they like that. 90% of my sales do come through Amazon these days. And I appreciate every single one <3

  2. Excited to read more about Ryan and John. Have to say you hooked me with “Life Lessons” and I’ve been reading everything you write since.
    Sorry, can’t help with PDF. I was so upset with ARE I was out of the country and not able to get my email. Your email was waiting for me when I got home. So thank you for the heads up but I still lost books I hadn’t downloaded to my computer. But I did appreciate the notice

    • That was such a mess – I felt awful for readers who lost their shelves. I’m glad you’re enjoying my stories, though.

  3. What a happy coincidence that I’d started re-reading The Rebuilding Year just today! And there’s a novella for John and Ryan? Life can’t get any better than that:)

  4. Yes please to a follow up! Can I shout that really loud???!!! Looking forward to it, Kaje, though am now going to pester for an ETA on it! x

  5. SO looking forward to the novella! As a minister serving in Wisconsin at the time, the sudden court decision that brought marriage equality to the state – for a week at first, and then permanently before it came to the rest of the country – was VERY exciting. I’ll definitely be watching for this.

    • Ryan got really pissed off when the first time only lasted a week – so he moved the bar on them, and they waited for SCOTUS 2015
      and the whole country (partly because I wasn’t close enough to the action in Wisconsin to know the nuances of that false start and eventual triumph; partly because the timing worked better for the story – in June 2014 Ryan would have just left the state for his first year elsewhere as a resident, to MN where we’d managed it in 2013.) So I’m afraid it won’t have the Wisconsin-specific tension and success you might be looking for. Hopefully it will still amuse you though.

      • It’s all good, and I’m definitely looking forward to the story, and catching up on these characters’ lives. It will give me a good excuse to re-read the first two books!

  6. I’m an English bloke living with my husband of 22 years (no kids) in London and I totally loved the Rebuilding year novels (just read the, both again for the second time).
    Really happy to see you might be writing more about John and Ryan and their family, so look forward to that!
    Am going to check out the Life Lessons books next.
    Thanks Kaje – you make me smile, laugh, get a little teary eyed and a little turned on when I read these books and what more could I wish for when I read gay romance novels?
    Keep on writing for us! Mark

    • How lovely to hear. I’m so glad my guys work for you, and that you have fun with the stories. I hope you like Mac and Tony too. Thanks for making my day.


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