Sole Support re-released

I’m delighted to see the ebook rerelease of Sole Support go live. I hope it will find some new readers, with the pretty new cover from Lisa Wilde, and a thorough editing polish by Jerry L. Wheeler. This is the last of my Samhain books back on the market, although I have a couple of other returned stories I’m still working on. It feels good to have this one out again.

Kellen has a good life— friends to hang out with, casual sex, online book chats, and his first novel poised for release. Then he coaxes Mike, the shy, socially inept pathologist he talks books with online, into a real-time meeting. He hadn’t planned for them to become more than perhaps casual lovers, but as he and Mike grow closer, Kellen realizes he might be edging toward his first real relationship. Except that his finances are getting shaky, and his elderly mother is rapidly becoming confused, unpredictable, and needy. He’s faced with difficult choices, and not sure how much he can handle.

Mike considers himself a nerd of the highest order— short, bespectacled, prone to blurting out the wrong thing at the worst possible time. Meeting Kellen face to face is the biggest risk he’s taken, and he doesn’t expect it to be a success. But first meeting leads to first date, first everything for Mike. So it’s confusing when Kellen begins pulling away, just as Mike gets up the nerve to move closer.

Kellen’s most important goal has always been self-sufficiency. His mother taught him to stand on his own two feet. If he lets himself lean on anyone now, even Mike, is he heading for a fall, just when his mother needs him most?

*This book has been edited and polished, but is not substantially changed from the 2013 original.

On Amazon –
Amazon UK –
Smashwords –

And soon to reach B&N, Kobo, iBooks etc.

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