Building Forever released

Amazon went live faster than expected, so I’m delighted to say you can now find Building Forever, book 2.5 in The Rebuilding Year series, on Smashwords and Amazon. It should arrive at other venues like iBooks and B&N when it distributes from Smashwords.

I had a blast writing Ryan and John again, and I hope you enjoy reading their HEA.

Here are the buy links –
AZ –

Smashwords –

17 thoughts on “Building Forever released”

  1. Oh my gosh. I am so excited. I have been thinking about how this book is coming out the past week. I was going to email to see if you had an actual date because I went searching in case I missed an email from you. Then I decided to reread the other two books in preparation for this book. I have about 30 pages left of book 2. Will be buying this as soon as I get home. Love your books. Thank you Mary

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and say so. (Someday I’ll have an actual email newsletter. Maybe.) I hope you enjoy seeing these two guys again. I had fun writing them. <3

  2. Really enjoyed this. No spoilers but if in future John wants to move for a while but keep hold of the house, he could rent it to Cynthia for a peppercorn rental. Torey and Mark could still visit. Just looking forward πŸ˜‰

      • Please tell me that’s not it! You can’t leave us hanging with them still living separately! Pretty please? With sugar & an extra cherry??!! (Take as a compliment please!)

        • I never say never, but I think they have their life pretty charted out, barring some major disaster. Life is never a settled HEA until you die together at 96, but these guys are not worrying me for the foreseeable future. I love that you want more of them though. <3

          • I felt the same with Tony and Mac, and now these two. But the end is the end. 😞. I would like to see where Anna gets married and Tony and Mac walk her down the aisle. And where Mark gets a music award of some sort and maybe thank Ry for seeing that in him??
            But at least you left them at a good place, and if we get more from those two couples it will be a bonus 😘. Thank you for the beautiful stories.

    • I’m so pleased that you’re eager to read it – I hope you do enjoy it eventually. Sadly, it takes a while for the book to move from Smashwords to B&N, iBooks, and Kobo. Some authors publish directly on B&N but there are downsides too, especially lately, so I do it via Smashwords. It should be there in a week or so. If you can side-load your reader, Smashwords has an epub that I loaded directly that is the same file B&N will have.

  3. First, let me say that I fell head over heels in love with both of the main characters, John and Ryan, in books one and two. I couldn’t wait to read the final story that wrapped up their lives! I knew it would be an HEA ending, but I was very disappointed. This book seemed like a short story written over a weekend just to placate the fans of the first two books. There was no real tension (you KNEW they would get married – a dog escaping from the house was the possible deal breaker? Really???), there were NO sex scenes, and there was very little angst. Another thing that bothered me about ALL three books was that John’s age always seemed to be a sore spot – he was ONLY 37-38 years old in the first book and only 41-42 in the final book, yet he’s been written as a middle-aged man. Good Lord! I’m 60! I’m middle-aged! But not some guy in his late 30’s!! I loved the characters, I just think they deserved a better send-off.

    • Sorry this one didn’t hit the spot for you. No story will work for everyone. It was definitely written as a warm coda, not a stand-alone, for the fans of the books, and also for me.

      In today’s stressful political climate, I have had a tough time writing, and took the chance to go back to a moment of hope, and give these guys the wedding that had been delayed for 4 years. So yes, it deliberately didn’t have much tension or angst. I could have manufactured some – a car crash, a child crisis, a job issue (they are too solid for me to write them a real deal-breaker fight.) Instead, I decided to go with “a wedding story” that would wrap that pending HEA.

      In any series, someone will say “this is one story too far” or “It didn’t fit the others.” And that’s fair, and I’m just sorry that was your experience this time. Thanks for loving the guys anyway. (And I think it’s having teens that made John feel middle-aged. Sure worked for me πŸ™‚ But yes, the older I get, the more 60 isn’t that old. I’m delighted you still feel that way yourself. May you have many more decades to read and say what you like, and what you don’t. Thanks for stopping and caring enough to comment.


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