New Cover for “Gift of the Goddess”

Among the stories I got back from publishers in the last couple of years is Gift of the Goddess – a 22K fantasy novella. When it released, it was part of a collection, and as such, there was a group cover used. It was fine, but not a great fit for my story. I always wanted to put out one more suited to the tale I wrote. I finally have the re-edit done (thanks, Jerry L Wheeler for editing) and a wonderful cover (thanks to Lex at Winterheart Design, and a great photo from Dan Skinner.) Isn’t it pretty? πŸ™‚

So perfect for my Garvin, on his way to find Nyle. I’m planning for a mid-May release, and I’ll have the exact date and blurb for you soon.

2 thoughts on “New Cover for “Gift of the Goddess””

    • Thanks – I love Dan Skinner’s photos (“Don’t Plan to Stay” was one of his too) and I get an exclusive for it that I can afford. Mostly young guys, so they don’t fit all my stories, but this one just worked.


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