Audiobooks coming soon

I’m delighted to announce that the audiobooks for Life, Some Assembly Required and Building Forever are finished, proof-listened, and submitted to ACX/Audible. I’m told the time to process and release can be anywhere from a couple of days to 14 days, so they should come out this month. Fingers crossed for a release before Christmas. I know listeners will enjoy hearing Gomez Pugh do his usual wonderfully nuanced and voiced performance of John, Ryan, Torey, Mark, and all the other characters.
I’ll announce the actual release with links when it happens. I’m excited to have this series complete in audio, for people who love to listen to their fiction.

4 thoughts on “Audiobooks coming soon”

  1. Hooray!!! I can’t wait. I read all three books in the series and was delighted when I saw Gomez Pugh would be narrating Rebuilding Year. It was purchased as soon as it was released and has been listened to at least 3 times!


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