Rebuilding Year sequels audio books released

I’m delighted to say that Audible has released both Life, Some Assembly Required and Building Forever in audio, with Gomez Pugh’s excellent narration. Both are Whispersync’d already as well.

Life, Some Assembly Required is here:
Or via Amazon –

Building Forever is here:
Or via Amazon –

Both should be on iTunes shortly as well.

I’m really excited to have the whole series in audio, and I hope you love the way Gomez has voiced these characters and stories as much as I do.

4 thoughts on “Rebuilding Year sequels audio books released”

  1. Dear Kaje,

    is there going to be another book in this seqeul? I don’t like reading, but this sequel changed that and I lived through all three parts of it. I fell in love with the characters and I need to see what happened after the wedding. I just need a closure… If there’s no more, I just need to hear it from You.
    You are a great author!

    Greetings from Croatia

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed these. I don’t think I’m likely to write more for these guys, whose wedding seals their commitment to make their future work, together. They do have a lot of life still to live– when Ryan gets through his medical training he’s going to try to come back to York and find a position nearby. If he can’t, maybe John will have to move to be with him and find a new landscaping job. Mark will try to make his way in music, a challenge, but he has talent and determination. Torey will be off to college, still looking for the career that will engage her energy and idealism.

      I could write those things, but I think they are all moving along on their way in life. There will be the ups and downs we all face, ordinary lives only made extraordinary because of the men John and Ryan are and the steadfast love they share. I imagine them getting old as grandparents together, sharing their home with a succession of pets, maybe having one kid move home for a year while getting their feet under them and cheering (hiding a bit of sadness) when they find a good job and can move out again, becoming activists as the vital importance of that is clear to us all… living life. <3


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