Angel Martinez reads from Unacceptable Risk

Unacceptable Risk cover image Angel Martinez is an M/M (and other LGBTQ stories) author and she does a Friday Reading Day where she reads an excerpt from other authors’ spec fic stories. This Friday, she generously read a section from Unacceptable Risk, the first book in my Hidden Wolves werewolf series. Take a listen to her presentation of the meeting between Simon (in his wolf form) and Paul the veterinarian here:

Then check out her readings of some other interesting fantasy and SciFi stories, including her own most recent release The Mage on the Hill at Friday Reading Day. I really enjoy Angel’s writing, which ranges from the light and warm to the fascinating to the emotional, mostly fantasy and SciFi. She also does a great job reading aloud (not one of my own skills) and there are some unknown-to-me stories and authors among them. Enjoy.

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