I’m looking forward to GayRomLit – the M/M romance book conference happening in St. Louis MO this year, October 6-10. I have books to bring, swag (including some cute stickers and buttons with Necromancer art by Catherine Dair), and some other stuff. (The book signing on Oct 9th is open to the public BTW.)
You can get FREE books from 41 of the attending (or in a couple of cases were attending but had to drop out) authors from Prolific Works – check out the GRL authors Giveaway – https://claims.prolificworks.com/gg/epYNoTU1ZWXgZSU9PWC2
I have “Don’t Plan to Stay” available for free download there.
I’m super not-organized this year. But I can drive there, which helps because not everything has to fit in a suitcase. I’m a bit nervous about a group event, but it’s going to be all masked, and I’m vaxxed and we’ll try to distance a bit (sad about no GRL hugs, but we want to live to have them next year.)
I’m also watching a very, very slow tire leak on my car, and trying to decide if I really have to get new tires before leaving, or if carrying a portable pump is good enough. Decisions, decisions.
If you’re going, I look forward to seeing you there. If not, feel free to grab the free books. I want to say a huge thank you to the organizers Carol Lynn, Reese Dante, and Teresa Emil. With COVID issues last year and this, they’ve done an enormous job making things as safe and as fun as possible and working with the venue. Hopefully next year we can do a full GRL with the hugs included. If we do, it will only because those folks worked tirelessly on their own time to make GRL survive these hard 2 years.
Thanks for the link to the giveaways.
I really came to your site to thank you for “Don’t Plan To Stay”. It was a really great read – delightful, touching, tear-jerking, heart-warming. I enjoyed every page. You write so very well. Thank you.
How kind of you to take the time to stop by <3 I'm so pleased you enjoyed my story. That one came from a picture prompt I just couldn't resist.